2024-2025 Elected Officers
Our club term runs from June 1 through May 31.
Becky Williams
1st Vice President (Programs)
Pearly Rihn
2nd Vice President (Membership)
Kay King
Linda Seaberg
Recording Secretary
Julie Kirby
Corresponding Secretary
Gail Owen
Home Tour
Lisa Valentine, Robin Agan, Chloe Gatewood
Spring Event
Melinda Miller, Nancy Robertson, Karen Thormalen
Standing Committees
Consist of up to 3 members serving 3-year terms, appointed by the board.
Candy Bowman (Chairman), Alicia Dedman, Trish Rigdon
Jeanette Nelson (Chairman), Christine Walker
Regular Committees
Consist of members in good standing, appointed by the board. One year term; board can extend to another year.
Benevolent Fund
Kathy Perry
Deer Creek December Birthday Party
Tonda Frady
Website / Directory Editor
Alicia Dedman
Kay Konove
Theresa Clark
New Member Mentoring
Becky Selman
Virginia Moles
Heidi Knight (Social Media), Melinda Miller (Print)
Cris Peterson
Deb Reeder, Lisa Valentine
Appointed Committees
Consist of members in good standing, appointed by the board. One year term; board can extend to another year.
Style Show
Melinda Miller, Nancy Robertson, Becky Selman, Karen Thormalen
Trivia Night
Jerri LaMirand, Robin Lowe, Jane Mody, Linda Rawlings